Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Two Paragraph Journal Write for Part Two of 1984

In Part Two Chapter 1, Julia slips Winston a piece of paper...
On it was written, in a large unformed handwriting, "I Love You."
Given the totalitarian nature of Winston's society, there are significant implications for this seemingly minor event. Today, respond to this event in two paragraphs:
Option One:
Paragraph 1: How does this change the external conflicts faced by Winston? What are the implications for his safety, behavior, and focus of attention?
Paragraph 2: How does this change the internal conflicts faced by Winston?
Option Two:
Paragraph 1: How does this relationship strengthen Winston in his struggle against The Party? What additional resources / power does this personal connection give him?
Paragraph 2: How could this relationship hinder Winston's struggle against The Party?
FINALLY, Conclude your discussion with a sentence or two summarizing the change initiated by the passing of this note.

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