Thursday, March 31, 2016

Writing Prompt: Resistance, Rebellion, and Violence in the Face of Oppression

First, let's take a moment to identify the actions Winston and Julia are willing to take in order to support their cause.
-Attacks on children
-Sabotage that might lead to hundreds of deaths
-Distribution of addictive drugs
-Change in identity

Then, take a moment to the actions of the government that they are trying to overthrow
-Bombing civilian populations
-Manipulating human emotions
-Turning children against their parents
-Constant surveillance
-Deprivation of beauty, joy, quality
-Basing the government on a platform of lies
-Murder, Torture

Question 1: Are Winston's and Julia's commitments justified in this context?

Question 2: Are these actions ever warranted in real life?

Please bring these paragraphs to class ready for discussion on Thursday, March 6th

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