Monday, December 14, 2015

Lesson for Tuesday, December 15

Hi! I'm at the vet with my cat, who seems to have a large, infected wound from a cat fight. Yay!

Today, I need you to finish your work on the Act One questions. Make sure you make a clear, coherent statement about each issue, and then provide two pieces of supporting evidence. Make sure you explain how the evidence you provide supports the claims you have made.

If you finish before class is over, continue your reading/annotation of Act Two.

King Lear Theme Discussion Questions: End of Act One

Here are several of the main ideas raised by in Act I. Work individually to answer each of these questions, providing at least two specific examples to support your answer.

In Antigone, tragedy was the result of competing priorities of different characters. Though these characters disagreed in their priorities and understandings of justice, each was attempting to do what was best for Thebes and its citizens. To what extent does this also seem to be the case in King Lear?

Who do you believe bears ultimate responsibility for the conflicts in Lear's and Gloucester's families?

These first two acts raise questions about the nature and exercise of royal power. What is this power based upon? To what extent can this play be seen as questioning monarchy?

What different kinds of loyalty are addressed in the first act of the play? How do different expressions of loyalty or disloyalty reveal character and cause conflict?

How is deception used in this first act of the play? What causes this deception?

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Work for Thursday, 12/10

Today, we will be working on a variety of different tasks:

1. We'll look at some test-taking strategies for multiple-choice questions
2. We'll re-take the first two section quizzes for King Lear
3. We will finish Lear Act 1 (only one short scene)
4. We will make sure we have line numbers up to this point in the play
5. You will have any remaining time to work on annotations.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

King Lear Scenes 1.3 - 1.4

Bare Minimum Annotations for King Lear 1.3 - 1.4

Identify three crucial plot developments, and explain why they are significant

Identify three significant demonstrations of character explain what they show about the person and his/her role in the events of the play

Identify one aspect of tragic drama and explain how tragic character or plot features are developed at this point.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Annotations for King Lear 1.2

Today, we will be working together to practice thorough annotation of Lear Act I Scene2.

As we annotate, please remember to:

1. Balance annotations for comprehension and analysis. Don't underestimate the importance of clear commentary of the significance of events, conflicts, and characters! The things characters say the way they behave, and the decisions they make are vital to understanding the more nuanced elements of the literature. 

Your annotations should show clear understanding of the significance of events as they unfold.

2. When you aren't addressing concrete elements like characters, events, and external conflicts, thoroughly address abstract elements such as internal conflict, word choice, figurative language, themes, symbolism, motifs, irony, elements of tragic drama, and connections within and between texts. Make sure you balance identification of these elements with discussion of their significance. For example, if you notice the motif of sight & blindness being raised, explain what it shows in this instance. What meaning does it seem to have and why is that meaning significant at this moment in the play.

Your annotations should show insight into the significance of the literary elements developed in the play

Remember, there are many issues to address, such as
Character Development
Plot Events
Tragic Elements -- Plot and Character
Similarities between texts and within this text
Figurative Language
Connotative Diction
Irony -- Dramatic, Situational, Verbal

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Annotations for King Lear 1.1

Today, we will assign roles and read King Lear Act I Scene 1.

As we read, please add the notes I provide about meaning. I will try to anticipate uncommon word choices, ambiguous meaning, and plays on words, but please ask if you need clarification.

After we have finished, return to the text and consider the following main  characters:


For each of these characters, LOCATE what you believe is an especially telling line that clearly establishes an element of the character's personality or role in the play. (A brief passage -- no more than a sentence or two)
ANNOTATE each of these passages in your online text, providing the following commentary:
a. WHAT does this show about the character
b. HOW does the passage reveal this insight
c. WHY is it significant to the conflict established in the scene so far?