Thursday, March 31, 2016

Writing Prompt: Resistance, Rebellion, and Violence in the Face of Oppression

First, let's take a moment to identify the actions Winston and Julia are willing to take in order to support their cause.
-Attacks on children
-Sabotage that might lead to hundreds of deaths
-Distribution of addictive drugs
-Change in identity

Then, take a moment to the actions of the government that they are trying to overthrow
-Bombing civilian populations
-Manipulating human emotions
-Turning children against their parents
-Constant surveillance
-Deprivation of beauty, joy, quality
-Basing the government on a platform of lies
-Murder, Torture

Question 1: Are Winston's and Julia's commitments justified in this context?

Question 2: Are these actions ever warranted in real life?

Please bring these paragraphs to class ready for discussion on Thursday, March 6th

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

1984 New Concepts Presentations

Tomorrow, your group will be making a brief presentation to the rest of the class regarding the conclusions you have reached about your "Orwellian" concept.

The purpose of the presentation is NOT to simply read the poster you have made; if people want detailed support in understanding the concept, they can read your work -- that's what it's for.

Instead, your goal is to communicate the significance of the concept to the themes of the novel and its importance to understanding the meaning of Orwell's work. The author created this brand new, fictional concept so that he could draw attention to something extremely important about how societies worked at the time -- and how they might work in the future.

As you present,

1. Begin by defining the term. (This is the part you can read out loud)

2. Next, each person needs to explain a way in which the concept supports our understanding of the novel or its themes. People can give examples and evidence of:
A.  how this concept gives insight into the way government exerts its power
B.  how this concept shows (or implies) the potential power of the individual
C.  how this gives insight into the internal struggles faced by people in authoritarian societies
D.  how this describes the external conflicts and limitations faced by people in authoritarian societies


Here is an example of what might be presented:

DUCKSPEAK is, literally, speaking in a way reminiscent of the quacking of a duck. This is a metaphor for the incessant parroting of loyal party propaganda without conscious thought. 

A. At one point, Winston sees a man engaged in dusckspeak and realizes that the man is not a "real human being but some kind of dummy." Orwell is using this idea to show that authoritarian governments use communication not as a way of expressing ideas and encouraging thought, but as a way to demonstrate and demand obedience. They don't want you to think -- they want you to conform.

How will you be evaluated?

1. To what extent are you prepared to present your ideas to the class? are you clear, fluent, and organized?
2. To what extent to you demonstrate understanding of the use of the idea in the novel?
3. Do you provide a clear, accurate, individual insight into the novel's themes or conflicts?

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Two Paragraph Journal Write for Part Two of 1984

In Part Two Chapter 1, Julia slips Winston a piece of paper...
On it was written, in a large unformed handwriting, "I Love You."
Given the totalitarian nature of Winston's society, there are significant implications for this seemingly minor event. Today, respond to this event in two paragraphs:
Option One:
Paragraph 1: How does this change the external conflicts faced by Winston? What are the implications for his safety, behavior, and focus of attention?
Paragraph 2: How does this change the internal conflicts faced by Winston?
Option Two:
Paragraph 1: How does this relationship strengthen Winston in his struggle against The Party? What additional resources / power does this personal connection give him?
Paragraph 2: How could this relationship hinder Winston's struggle against The Party?
FINALLY, Conclude your discussion with a sentence or two summarizing the change initiated by the passing of this note.

Monday, March 14, 2016

1984 New Concepts Group Work

Form a group of three.

With your group, complete the following:

1. Select a new concept to discuss

2. Identify three quotes from the novel that describe the use of the idea. Try to select passages that demontstrate the significance of the concept, not just a definition.

Areas of focus for reading assignment -- finishing Part One

As you finish Part One of 1984, Please focus on the following:

What external conflicts are occurring in the story? How do these parallel the internal conflicts we have already discussed?

Try to establish a comprehensive list of the new concepts developed by Orwell in this story. Try to restrict your identification to the ideas that are truly new inventions -- with new terms. For example, the use of propaganda may be different or more extreme in Oceana, but propaganda itself is nothing new. However, Newspeak is an invented term for an invented idea.

Let's list these issues here:

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Internal Conflicts for 1984 Period 4

Winston's Internal Conflicts:

  • Fear, worry, paranoia - thought police, living conditions, turned in by others
  • Struggles with fact of constant observation and the consequent lack of privacy and individuality
  • Constant internal self-monitoring and struggle to avoid being noticed and to conform
  • Struggles to know what is real - quest for the truth (attempt to remember his past)
  • Misogyny (dislike of or prejudice towards women)

1984 Ch. 1-5 Internal Conflicts

Because of the strict control the government has over society, many of the conflicts that occur in this novel are internal. The feelings, decisions, and struggles of Winston may not play out in dramatic confrontations with others, but these conflicts can still be used by the author to develop plot, character, and theme.

Begin your discussion by identifying some of the internal conflicts occurring in the story. Then, consider some of the issues relevant to the conflict, such as causes, effects, or solutions.  We will work together to develop these ideas, but try to identify four or five significant internal conflicts developed in the novel so far.

Internal conflict  


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

1984 Ch. 1,2 Mood Paragraph

In your previous assignment, you identified several elements introduced in the first two chapters that help establish the mood of 1984.

NOW, you are going to use those observations and synthesize a paragraph that makes a general characterization about the mood of the story and supports it with evidence and analysis.

*When synthesizing, you take the individual elements you have discussed and make them work together to coherently support a single perspective.

Your prompt: How does Orwell establish the emotional setting of his fictional society in the first two chapters of 1984?
TS: HOW does the author do it? Use this single sentence to make a claim about the author’s craft. Does he use word choice? Imagery? Characterization? New concepts? More than one of these? You don’t need to identify or describe the tone at this point -- do that in the body and at the conclusion of your paragraph.

Evidence 1 These are the
Analysis   1 sentences that
Evidence  2 you completed on
Analysis   2 Thursday and Friday.
Evidence  3 Make sure to include
Analysis   3 transition words and phrases.

CS: Provide a single conclusion sentence about the mood established in the book.
*What feelings are the result of this authoritarian dystopia?
*What does this show about human nature or government power?
*How does this establish conflicts, characterization, or foreshadowing for the rest of the novel?
*How is this relevant to society in real life? You could refer to your human rights project

Don’t try to answer them all -- this is a single concluding sentence.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Mood Assignment for 1984 Chapter 1

Mood: The atmosphere or emotional experience associated with the setting and events in a narrative. Mood is used by an author to establish pathos, an emotional experience or identification with the characters involved in the conflict.

In the first Chapter of 1984, we see mood established by Orwell in several ways, including
1. Connotative Diction: The author chooses words that convey emotional impressions in addition to the literal description of the setting
2. Creation of New Concepts: The author creates details (ones not part of real life) that inform the reader of the type of society experienced by Winston...and the feelings associated with it.
3. Description of Winston's thoughts, feelings, and reactions to his environment.

Here is the task for today:
a. One example of connotative diction  AND
b. One example of a new idea introduced by Orwell AND
c. One example of Winston's thoughts, feelings, or actions
Sentence 1: Identify the passage and explain that one of the 3 strategies is being used to establish a specific mood.
Sentence 2: Explain how the use of this specific word choice or concept in this context makes this mood apparent

Here's an example:
Orwell establishes a atmosphere of impending evil as Winston seeks to escape the "vile wind" by entering Victory Mansions.

This word choice describes the physical discomfort caused by the wind, but also implies a alternate meaning, suggesting that the atmosphere surrounding Winston is "morally despicable or abhorrent." 

Hard part of analysis: explaining how you reached your conclusion

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Power of an Individual vs. The Power of Society Responses

What sources of strength can an individual call upon to fight against oppression?
Mass movement
Using the law - Constitutional rights
Boycott economic activity
Power in numbers - refuse to participate in/contribute to injustice
Something-a cause- to believe in
Free Press
Smart risks
Foreign Support
Supporters - others to stand with you
Freedom of speech to persuade others
Hide - seek refuge
Strike - refuse to contribute
Unions (of work)
Kill/die for cause
Warfare (guerrilla)
Knowing that others feel/are going through the same
Thoughts of the future
The past (memories)

Journal Response: The Power of an Individual vs. The Power of Society

In the face of government repression and injustice, what can one person do in order to fight for freedom, peace, and a decent life?

What do we have -- and what do we need -- in order to change an unjust society?

What sources of strength can an individual call upon?