Monday, January 4, 2016

King Lear Acts One and Two Review

1. Identify the conflicts established in the first two acts
*Kent is exiled due to his advice to the king. His good counsel is punished
*Cordelia is banished because of her refusal to flatter the King
*Edmund frames his brother for the attempted murder of Gloucester
*Lear acts rashly, but still has the power of the king.
*Insubordination of Lear's daughters and his mistreatment by the children (and servants)
*Between Kent and Oswald -- due to lack of respect and difference in morality
*Between Gloucester and Edgar -- manipulated into giving a death warrant, Edgar running for his life in disguise
*Who will rule England?
*The mistreatment of the king's servants
*Civil war in England between Albany and Cornwall
2. Describe / summarize the situation faced by significant characters at the end of act two
*Lear: Betrayed by daughters, now aware of their connivance, stripped of his last power, locked out of castle in a hurricane -- going mad
*Goneril and Regan are united against father, but divided in quest for ultimate power - each have 1/2 of England
*Edgar now in hiding, Tom o' Bedlam, filthy naked beggar.
*Kent in "exile" but still serving the King. In contact with Cordelia
*Corn and Alb: Like sisters, rich, powerful, looking for more.
*Edmund had folled his father -- and Cornwall/Regan. Now stands to inherit, promised to be held close to Cornwall in time of crisis.

3. Identify some of the questions / themes that have been raised by the play so far. 

*Can betrayal lead to power? Is it justified or rewarded?
*What limits should there be on the pursuit of power and wealth?
*How are trust and manipulation used for good and evil? Who should we trust and why?
*What are the rewards or punishments for using your words to be honest or be manipulative? 
*Who should you trust and what should be the basis for this decision?
*What should be the basis for loyalty?

*Wisdom and folly
*Sight and blindness
*Reality and appearance
*Human laws and natural laws
*What do people need vs. what do people want?
*What is the basis for a ruler's power? What makes a King a King?

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