Thursday, November 12, 2015

Plan of Improvement for Antigone Essay

Plan of Improvement:
1.Thesis and supporting claims

  • Does the thesis provide a clear claim?
  • Do topic sentences make supporting claims about how the play communicates this belief/perspective?
2. Abundant evidence from throughout the play and supporting details

  • Use blended sentences that smoothly incorporate evidence into a discussion of the context and significance of the passage
3. Effective two-part analysis

  • Discuss meaning and relevance of the evidence in the context of the play
  • Analyze and discuss the ideas developed about the broad issue raised by the thesis
4. Voice/Language
  • Awkward sentences
  • 1st/2nd person POV
  • Vague wording
For each part of the plan...
A. Broadly explain what you need to focus on and why - BE CLEAR. Identify the issue and provide insight into what seems to be challenging
B. Provide a specific, quoted example
C. Explain how you plan to fix this area of focus. What will this look like when it's better?
D. Fix B

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